Dear Nina, Henry, Connie and friends,

thanks for your positive responses. The original suggestion by Ven.
Kumara was on SN/AN, particularly those not available on ATI (Access
to Insight But, I reckon anything
outside SN/AN is fine. The idea here, I think, is that the selected
sutta has to be manageable on an individual basis (for most of it).

Yong Peng

--- In, "connie" wrote:
I'd be happy to convert any of the files to Velthuis and forward them
if you let me know what you want.

> From: nina van gorkom <nilo@...>
> I am glad Henry like the idea too. So, is A.N. best? There are four
line suttas, and I would like to do one, any one. My only trouble:
with my iMac it takes more time to get a sutta, since I have to
decode myself the Pali signs. Unless a kind soul will help me.
Another possibility: a short sutta from K IV, I have all the Pali
here. But B.P.S. and B.Bodhi translated them all.
> Another idea: Digha Nikaya, my favorite Sangiti Sutta, it has very
short ones, with co.