3. Your king went to the island with the ministers and defeated
the enemy.
tumhaaka.m / bhuupati / gantvaa / diipa.m / mantiihi saha /
paraajesi / sattavo
Tumhaaka.m bhuupati mantiihi saha diipa.m gantvaa sattavo
4. I picked up the seeds which were scattered on the ground by you.
aha.m / sa.mhari.m / biijaani / vippaki.n.naani / bhuumiya.m /
Aha.m tvayaa bhuumiya.m vippaki.n.naani biijaani sa.mhari.m.
5. Our teacher who was wise and famous taught us the doctine.
amhaaka.m / viññuu yasavanto aacariyo / vaacesi / amhe /
Amhaaka.m viññuu yasavanto aacariyo amhe dhamma.m vaacesi.
6. A bird taking a fruit by the beak was seen by you.
pakkhii / ocinanto / phala.m / tu.n.dena / di.t.tho / tayaa
Tu.n.dena phala.m ocinanto pakkhii tayaa di.t.tho.