More Pali - Every few days - [C158]
Warder - Exercise 18 (page 129)
Pali into English (Part 3 of 3)
na maya.m ito bhiyyo pajaanaama
not / we / from this / better / we know
We do not know anything better than this. [D.III.52 �
ida.m hiina.m, ida.m pa.niita.m
this / inferior / this / superior
This is inferior, this is superior. [D.II.223 �
sa��aa nu kho bhante pathama.m uppajjati pacchaa
�, udaahu pa.thama.m � uppajjati pachaa
sa�`naa, udaahu sa��a ca � ca apubba.m
acarima.m uppajjanti
perception / is it / indeed / reverend sir / first /
arises / afterwards / knowledge / or / first /
knowledge / arises / afterwards / perception / or /
perception / and / knowledge / and / not before / not
later / they arise
Reverend sir, does perception arise first and then
knowledge, or does knowledge arise first and then
perception, or do perception and knowledge arise
simultaneously? [D.I.185 � ix.20]