Pali Primer Exercise 30

Translate into Pali

14. The famous king defeated the powerful enemy who has many
yasavanto bhuupati / paraajesi / bandhumanta.m balavanta.m
Yasavanto bhuupati bandhumanta.m balavanta.m sattu.m paraajesi.

15. People with eyes see the radiant sun.
cakkhumantaa manussaa / passanti / bhaanumanta.m suriya.m
Cakkhumantaa manussaa bhaanumanta.m suriya.m passanti.

Pali Primer Exercise 31

Translate into English

1. Mama aacariyo ma.m vaacento potthaka.m (book) likhi (wrote).
my / teacher / me / teaching / book / wrote
My teacher (who is) teaching me wrote a book.

2. Mayha.m bhaginii gilaana.m (sick) pitara.m posesi.
my / sister / sick father / looked after
My sister looked after (our) sick father.

3. Daataaro bhikkhuuna.m daana.m dentaa amhe pi bhojaapesu.m.
donors / to monks / alms / giving / us / too / fed
The donors giving alms to the monks fed us too.