For the syntax questions, he could look here:
(scroll down to section iv. syntax of subtantives)

I can't vouch for it, but from a quick glance it looked like it
provides answers to questions 1 and 4.

best regards,


>Dear Dukkhe and friends,
>thanks for your questions. I am honoured, but may not be of much
>help. Frankly, the only Pali text that I completed is the Pali
>Primer. Nonetheless, I hope the following would be helpful to you.
>For 1 and 2,
>For 3, (#439-448)
>For 2i. siha+camma+.m = lion skin (masculine, singular, accusative)
> or lion's hide.
>Please consult a the PTS online dictionary for the rest:
>Yong Peng
>--- In, Ananda Kondanna wrote:
>> 1> Describe at least 5 syntactical uses of instrumental case in
>> Pali.
>> 2> Parse and explain grammatically 5 of the following words:
>> i. sihacammam
>> ii. yadaniccam
>> iii. evamavuso
>> iv. vandeham
>> v. dasasilam
>> vi. jitindriyo
>> vii. devamanussa
>> 3> Describe the formation of Present Participles in Pali.
>> 4> Explain with examples the syntactical uses of Accusative case in
> > Pali.