More Pali - Every few days - [C156]

From: John Kelly
Message: 4797
Date: 2004-05-06

More Pali - Every few days - [C156]
Warder - Exercise 18 (page 129)
Pali into English (Part 1 of 3) va se.t.tho
Brahmin / indeed / best / class
Indeed the Brahmin is the highest class. [D.III.81 �

purisena purisa.m karitvaa khattiyaa va se.t.thaa
hiinaa braahma.naa
with a man / man / having compared / Khattiyas /
indeed / better / lesser / Brahmins
Comparing one man with another, the khattiyas are
superior and the Brahmins inferior. [D.I.98 �

na c�etarahi vijjati a��o vaa vaa
bhagavataa bhiyyo �bhi��ataro
not / and / among these / is found / another / ascetic
/ or / Brahmin / or / from the Blessed One / better /
more learned
And there does not exist among these another ascetic
or Brahmin better or more learned than the Blessed
One. [D.III.99 � xxviii.1]

Metta, John

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