Pali - Every few days - [B181]

From: John Kelly
Message: 4759
Date: 2004-04-26

Pali - Every few days - [B181]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 10 � Readings
Ex. 1 (Part 2 of 2)

Katha.m? Ka.t.thaani gha.msitvaa aggi.m paateti,
tattha daaruuni pakkhipanto aggi.m jaaletvaa tattha
tattha pacitvaa, daarukkha.n.dakena
pava.t.tetvaa khuddakaso.n.diya.m khipati. Tato
hattha.m otaaretvaa udakassa tattabhaava.m jaanitvaa
gantvaa satthaara.m vandati. Satthaa tattha gantvaa
nahaayati. Atha naanaavidhaani phalaani aaharitvaa
How? He rubbed sticks and started a flame, and
putting firewood in there kindled a fire, then he
heated rocks placed here and there, rolled them with a
wooden stick, and placed them in a small pool in the
rocks. Then having dipped his trunk in to test the
temperature of the water, he went and greeted the
Teacher. The Teacher went there and bathed. Then he
brought various fruits and gave them to him.

Yadaa pana satthaa gaama.m pi.n.daaya pavisati, tadaa
satthu pattaciivaramaadaaya kumbhe .thapetvaa
satthaaraa saddhi.m yeva gacchati; ratti.m
vaa.lamiganivaara.nattha.m mahanta.m da.n.da.m
so.n.daaya gahetvaa yaava aru.n�uggamanaa
Then when the Teacher was entering the village for
alms, he would take the Teacher�s robe and bowl, place
them on his forehead and accompany the Teacher there.
At night, in order to keep away predators, he took
with his trunk a large stick, and with that wandered
about in the jungle until dawn.
(RasV. - cf. Udana IV.5 Naga Sutta,

Metta, John

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