More Pali - Every few days - [C148]
Warder - Exercise 18 (page 129)
Passage for Reading 2 (Part 13 of 20)
ye ca te taata vijite sama.nabraahma.naa
mada-ppamaadaa pa.tivirataa,
to which / and / your / dear one / in the kingdom /
ascetics and Brahmins / pride and laziness / abstained
and, my dear one, to those ascetics and Brahmins in
your kingdom who have abstained from pride and
te kaalena kaala.m upasa.mkamitvaa paripuccheyyaasi:
to you / from time / to time / having approached / you
should ask
you should approach them from time to time ask:
ki.m bhante kusala.m ki.m akusala.m,
what / reverend sir / wholesome / what / unwholesome
�Reverend sir, what is wholesome and what is
ki.m me kariiyamaana.m diigharatta.m ahitaaya
dukkhaaya assa,
what / to me / doing / for a long time / to
non-welfare / to suffering / it may be
and what action will lead to my harm and suffering for
a long time,
ki.m vaa pana me kariiyamaana.m diigharatta.m hitaaya
sukhaaya assaa ti.
what / or/ then / to me / doing / for a long time / to
welfare / to happiness / it may be / (end-quote)
and what action will lead to my welfare and happiness
for a long time?�