8. With the fist the mother hit the dog which was trying to bite
the girl.
mu.t.thinaa / ammaa / pahari / sunakha.m / ussahanta.m /
.dasitu.m / kumaari.m
Mu.t.thinaa ammaa kumaari.m .dasitu.m ussahanta.m sunakha.m
9. Kings protect recluses, brahmins, men and beasts living in the
bhuupatayo / rakkhanti / sama.ne ca / braahma.ne ca / manusse
ca / pasavo ca / vasante / diipe
Bhuupatayo diipe vasante sama.ne ca braahma.ne ca manusse ca
pasavo ca rakkhanti.
10. Mother's sister killed a rat with a bamboo.
ammaaya / bhaginii / maresi / aakhu.m / ve.lunaa
Ammaaya bhaginii ve.lunaa aakhu.m maresi.
11. The teacher sent sugarcane to the *tuskers' young ones.
aacariyo / pesesi / ucchavo / daa.thiina.m / susuuna.m
Aacariyo daa.thiina.m susuuna.m ucchavo pesesi.
* Tuskers refer to the elephants or animals having tusks.