Dhammanando Bhikkhu wrote:

> Does the term refer to the belief in fortune (or omens) rather than
> kamma? If so, then I expect it would be derived from the
> kotuuhala-ma`ngalika mentioned in the Ca.n.daala Sutta (A iii 206).

Thank you, bhante, for the reference. Yes, this looks as if it is the same
term under a slihhtly different guise. As you suggest, it refers to the
belief that one's experiences are determinded by omens and similar instead
of karma. My passage says:

"... and all those which accord with the theories concerning auspicious
omens, namely those which claim to generate auspicious omens and clear away
harm with regards the acquisition of an object of desire by means of the
spells and burnt-offerings of astrologers and diviners, and similarly those
which claim to bring about auspicious and inauspicious omens."

Of course, it is surprising how strong this belief remains today among many
members of soceity.

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge