Bell Springs 100 Day Retreat
May 27 - Sept. 7, 2004

The Fruits of the Path
Vipassana and Jhana
within a context of Satipatthana

Led by Jeff Brooks

Dhammapada Verse 372
Natthi jhaanam apan~n~assa, pan~n~aa natthi ajhaayato,
Yamhi jhaanan~ ca pan~n~an~ ca sa ve nibbaanasantike.

"There is no absorption (jhana) without wisdom
No wisdom without absorption.
One who is close to emancipation (nibbana/nirvana)
has both wisdom and absorption."

Please contact:

Bob Roberts
448 Ignacio Blvd., #257
Novato, CA 94949

Bell Springs Hermitage
Bell Springs Road
Laytonville, California 95542-3159759
cookhouse phone number (707-984-9615)

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