More Pali - Every few days - [C134]
Warder - Exercise 18 (page 129)
Passage for Reading 1 (Part 4 of 5)

dutiyampi kho te akkhadhuttaa akkhehi dibbi.msu.
for a second time / indeed / these / gamblers / with
the dice / they played
For a second time, these gamblers played with the

dutiyampi kho so akkhadhutto aagataagata.m kali.m
for a second time / indeed / this / gambler / each
time it came / unlucky die / he swallows
And again, this gambler, whenever he got an unlucky
die, swallowed it.

addasaa kho dutiyo akkhadhutto ta.m akkhadhutta.m
dutiyampi aagataagata.m kali.m gilanta.m.
saw / indeed / for a second time / the gambler / this
/ gambler / each time it came / unlucky die /
Again the other gambler saw this one swallowing the
unlucky die each time it happened.

Metta, John