>Could someone please translate the following passage?
>I tried to translate it but I'm not sure if I understand it correctly.
>Seyyathaapi bhikkhave appamattakopi guutho duggandho hoti,
>evameva kho aha.m bhikkhave appamattakampi bhava.m
>na va.n.nemi, antamaso accharaasa.nghaatamattampiiti

Here's an attempt:

Just as, O monks, even a tiny amount of dung has a foul smell,
exactly so, O monks, I do not commend even a tiny amount of
existence, even only an instant.

What threw me for a loop first was that I kept wanting to read
*accharaasanga.na = troop of nymphs. Those nymphs got stuck in my
mind and kept me from turning the page of the dictionary to find
'snap of the fingertips' :-)

best regards,
