Pali Primer Exercise 26

Translate into English

5. Sappurisaa gahapatayo bhariyaahi ca puttehi ca gehesu vasantaa
sukha.m vindanti.
righteous / householders / with wives and / with sons and /
in homes / living / happiness / enjoy
Righteous householders living in their homes with wives and sons
enjoy happiness.

6. Nidhi.m pariyesanto adhipati sahaayakehi saddhi.m diipa.m agacchi.
hidden treasure / searching / lord / with friends / [to] island
/ went
The lord went to the island with friends Searching for the
hidden treasure.

7. Atithiina.m odana.m pacantii itthii aggi.m jaalesi.
for guests / meal / cooking / woman / fire / kindled
The woman cooking a meal for the guests kindled the fire.

8. Vyaadhinaa pii.lito naro maƱce sayati.
by illness / afflicted / man / on bed / sleeps
The man afflicted by an illness sleeps on the bed.