Dear Jeff,

This is a strange argument you put forward. As laymen even if we are maditating long hours day and night and attained stream entry as well, we cannot taking on ourselves to make any critical remark about the dhamma. That would show an essential lack of Saddha, or confidence in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. If you seem to disagree it is best you clarify it from those would know it better or a member of the Order of the Sangha before you speak publicly about it.

What is more strange is when you say"......I am only
saying that anyone in the greater sangha has a right and a responsibility to "place upright what was overturned," or to speak out on beliefs and ractices of their tradition or religion that they perceive as unproductive to the dhamma".

You are not "in the greater sangha" and you cannot on your own appropriate that right. Therefore it is better discuss dhamma about which you have no disagreement and leave the rest out without trying to creat dissention and polemics.

with great metta,


macdocaz1@... wrote:

On Right Speech

Please understand I am not invoking the authority of a Tathagata.

I am only saying that anyone in the greater sangha has a right and a responsibility to
"place upright what was overturned," or to speak out on beliefs and practices
of their tradition or religion that they perceive as unproductive to the dhamma
and sangha.

I do not however believe that gives anyone the right to endlessly filibuster for their agenda. Because there is a right time and place for everything.

Jeff Brooks

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