9. Send the lotuses wrapped in lotus leaves to the young girls
seated in the hall.
pesehi / padumaani / ve.thitaani / paduma-pa.n.nehi /
taru.niina.m / nisinnaana.m / saalaaya.m
Saalaaya.m nisinnaana.m taru.niina.m paduma-pa.n.nehi
ve.thitaani padumaani pesehi.
10. We can explain the questions asked by the women in the
maya.m / sakkoma / vyaakaatu.m / pa~nhe / pu.t.the /
vanitaahi / sabhaaya.m
Sabhaaya.m vanitaahi pu.t.the pa~nhe maya.m vyaakaatu.m
Pali Primer Exercise 21
Translate into English
1. Khette phalaani corentii daarikaa kassaka.m disvaa bhaayitvaa
dhaavitu.m aarabhi.
in field / fruits / stealing / girl / farmer / having seen /
got frightened / to run / started
Having seen the farmer, the girl stealing fruits in the field
got frightened and started to run.
2. Buddhassa saavakena desita.m dhamma.m sutvaa yuvati sacca.m
adhigantu.m icchantii ammaaya saddhi.m mantesi.
Buddha's / by disciple / preached / dhamma / having heard /
maiden / truth / to understand / wishing / with mother /
Wishing to understand the truth, the young girl discussed with
(her) mother after hearing the dhamma preached by the Buddha's