Pali Primer Exercise 20

Translate into Pali

5. Women and girls did not climb trees to pick fruits and flowers.
naariyo ca / kumaariyo ca / na aaruhi.msu / rukkhe / ocinitu.m
/ phalaani ca / pupphaani ca
Naariyo ca kumaariyo ca phalaani ca pupphaani ca ocinitu.m rukkhe
na aaruhi.msu.

6. You (pl.) went to the river to bathe and got frightened hearing
the peal of thunder (asanisadda.m).
tumhe / gantvaa / nadi.m / nahaayitu.m / bhaayittha / sutvaa
/ asanisadda.m
Nahaayitu.m nadi.m gantvaa tumhe asanisadda.m sutvaa bhaayittha.

7. You (pl.) do not conceal the evil committed with your friends.
tumhe / maa / pa.ticcaadetha / paapa.m / kata.m / mittehi saha
Maa tumhe mittehi saha kata.m paapa.m pa.ticcaadetha.

8. If you spent money to buy clothes, inform your mother.
sace / tva.m / vissajjeyyaasi / muula.m / ki.nitu.m / vatthaani
/ aarocehi / amma.m
Sace tva.m vatthaani ki.nitu.m muula.m vissajjeyyaasi, amma.m