Hi Rett,

The Pali word used in the Pali Canon for gatekeeper is 'dovaariko'. I
found a passage at A IV 110-111 in the Nagaropamasutta (AN XII.63)
that seems to match what you're looking for.


> Hi Everyone,
> Some years ago someone explained to me a passage which I believe was
> in the Pali Canon where mindfulness is compared to a gatekeeper
> job is to refuse entry to suspicious characters, and only allow
> trustworthy people to enter the town. In a similar way, mindfulness
> enables us to be watchful over our senses and not allow impressions
> to develop into harmful thoughts. I liked this simile very much.
> anyone know where this passage is located? I've been trying to find
> it without success. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
> best regards,
> /Rett