12. Sappuriso amacco dhana.m vissajjetvaa yaacakaana.m vasitu.m
saalaayo gaamesu karitvaa bhuupaala.m aarocesi.
virtuous man / minister / money / having spent / for beggars /
to live / halls / in villages / having built / king / informed
The virtuous minister spent money and built halls in the
villages for beggars to live, and informed the king.
13. Kumaaro suva.m hatthamhaa mu~ncitvaa ta.m u.d.denta.m
passamaano rodanto rukkhamuule a.t.thaasi.
boy / parrot / from hand / having released / it / flying /
seeing / crying / under tree / stood
Having released the parrot from (his) hand, the boy seeing it
flying stood under the tree crying.
14. Saddhaaya daana.m dadamaanaa kusala.m karontaa sappurisaa puna
(again) manussaloke uppajjitu.m patthenti.
with faith / alms / giving / meritorious deeds / doing /
good men / again / human world / to be born / aspire
Giving alms with faith and doing meritorious deeds, the good
men aspire to be born in the human world again.
15. Kumaaro ma~njuusa.m vivaritvaa saa.taka.m niiharitvaa ammaaya
boy / box / having opened / garment / having taken out / to
mother / sent
The boy opened the box, took out the garment and sent (it) to
(his) mother.