Dear Suan and Nina,

Thanks for the answer, and especially for the other relevant passages.

>Thus, we have the swearing word "bandhupaadaapacce" as meaning the
>sons born from the feet of the great brahmaa who are also the
>relatives of the Devil (maaraa).

So would it be right to say that in effect the commentary proposes
two different possible analyses of the cpd, one a tappurisa (tp), and
one a kammadharaya (kd)? One being given at one place in the
commentary, the other at another place? (the numbers refer to the
cases, 5 being ablative, 6 being genitive).

1) (bandhu-6tp-paada)-5tp-apacce
"offspring from brahman's feet"

2) bandhu-kd-(paadaa-5tp-apacce)
"relatives (of maara) who are offspring of feet"

If I were forced to choose I would find the second one (which was
given in the passage I cited) to be less plausible. But I suppose the
ambiguity might have been preserved for effect.

