14. Without getting the pay for the work done, the woman is angry.
alabhitvaa / vetana.m / kammassa / assa / vanitaa / hoti /
Vanitaa assa kammassa vetana.m alabhitvaa kuddhaa hoti.
* Can someone help explain what 'assa' means, please.
15. Do not ask for fruits from the boy sitting on the branch.
maa yacaahi / phalaani / kumaarasmaa / nisiidantasmaa /
Maa saakhaaya.m nisiidantasmaa kumaarasmaa phalaani yacaahi.
16. The woman who is scolded by the brahmin cries, seated at the
vanitaa / akkositaa / braahma.nena / rodati / nisinnaa /
Braahma.nena akkositaa dvaarasmi.m nisinnaa vanitaa rodati.
17. The girl being called by the mother ran home to eat rice.
daarikaa / pakkositaa / ammaaya / dhaavi / geha.m / bhu~njitu.m
/ odana.m
Ammaaya pakkositaa daarikaa odana.m bhu~njitu.m geha.m dhaavi.