>Jou: Agreed. You can fare safely with the Buddha. Just use his own
>definitions to understand his teaching rather than others'.

Buddha and Buddhaghosa are two different people. It sounds from this
comment like you are equating them. Did I misunderstand?

> > There are places where his interpretation is clearly wrong.
>But to those who identify as Theravaadins this would be heresy! :-}

I am a Theravaadin and I don't consider it heresy to value and revere
Buddhaghosa, but not assume that he is 100% correct at all places :-)

>Clinging to our beliefs as our selves [our identity, our soul =
>identifying with a belief system] is dukkha
>[sanynyaa-upaadaanak-khandhaa dukkhaa] and causes us not to be able to
>look at the beliefs objectively, just as they are, beliefs, rather than
>The Truth.

Clinging to beliefs as our selves is a form of dukkha. I would agree
with you. But if we are willing to abandon beliefs if convincing
evidence arises that they are mistaken then we aren't clinging to
them, are we?

best regards,
