Hi All, long time no see/hear/read :-}

On a discussion list I am part of the idea of giving one's life for a
friend has come up and I said both the Buddha (DN 31} and Jesus {John
15:13} taught about it.

This is the relevant phrase in the Paali:
jiivitam.pissa [= jiivitam. - pi - assa] - atthaaya - pariccattam.
[paricca-t-tam.?] - hoti

Life even his - for the sake of - would sacrifice it? - it/he is

Noun.neut.-a.nom.sing. - indeclinable emphatic -
pronoun.masc.-a.poss.sing. - noun.masc.-a.dat.sing. - verb.sing.? -
pron.neut.acc.sing.? - sing.3rd.person simple present

I am trying to translate and parse it. Could you help? It is mainly
parriccattam. that I'm having problems with. I get that it is from the
verb pariccajati, but is it would-sacrifice + it or what and what is the
form of the verb?

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