From: midpath89
Message: 3964
Date: 2003-12-19
> Greetings Jason,study a
> mpn> I don't know if this is possible. I have a friend that would like to=
> mpn> Anuradha Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya XXII.86) in Pali . Any suggestion on=how to
> mpn> attain a copy (preferbly online/digital) will be much appreciated.
> Everett Thiele has already told where to find the Pali Canon.
> The page number can be found on the website:
> Anuradha Sutta (SN XXII.86) -- To Anuradha {S iii 116; CDB i 936}
> The first number - S III 116 - is according to PTS (Pali Text Society
> edition). Using it, you can find the necessary sutta.
> With metta,
> Dimitry