More Pali - Every few days - [C078]
Warder - Exercise 12 (page 75)
Pali into English (Part 2 of 4)
kissa nu kho me ida.m kammassa phala.m, kissa kammassa
of what / is it / indeed / my / this / of the action /
fruit / of what / of the action / result
Of what action of mine is this the fruit, of what
action the result? [D.II.185 � xvii.2.1]
ta.m ki.m ma~n~nanti bhonto devaa
this / what / they think / honourable / gods
What do the honourable gods think of this? [D.II.216
� xviii.26]
n� atthi paro loko
not / there is / other / world
There is no other world. [D.I.55 � ii.23]
ko �si tva.m aavuso
who / you are / you / friend
Who are you, friend? [D.II.356 � xxiii.33]