Dear Nina and friends,

thanks, Nina. It should be "has gone" instead of "had gone". How about
using the present participle "being" as in "being to a forest, to the
foot of a tree or to an empty place" ?

Yong Peng

--- In, nina van gorkom wrote:
I am just thinking of -gato: it seems more a characteristic than a
fact that took place in the past. P.T.S. has: forest-gone , which is a
little peculiar, but indicates it as a characteristic or condition for
that monk.
There would be this option: A monk who has gone to the forest... etc.
> Idha, Raahula, bhikkhu arañña-gato vaa rukkhamuula-gato vaa
suññaagaara-gato vaa
> here / Rahula / a monk / gone to a forest / or / gone to the foot of
a tree / or / gone to an empty place / or
> Here, Rahula, a monk who had gone to a forest, to the foot of a
tree, or to an empty place,