Pali - Every few days - [B093]

From: John Kelly
Message: 3680
Date: 2003-10-27

Pali - Every few days - [B093]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 5 � Further Readings
Ex. 2. (Part 4 of 4)

�Ya.m kho tva.m, Siivaka, santa.m vaa ajjhatta.m
mohadhamma.m �atthi me ajjhatta.m mohadhammo�ti
pajaanaasi, asanta.m vaa ajjhatta.m mohadhamma.m
�natthi me ajjhatta.m mohadhammo�ti pajaanaasi - eva.m
kho, Siivaka, sandi.t.thiko dhammo hoti akaaliko
ehipassiko opaneyyiko paccatta.m veditabbo
�Indeed, Sivaka, with something of the nature of
delusion present internally, you would know �there is
something of the nature of delusion internally to me�,
and with something of the nature of delusion not
present internally, you would know �there is nothing
of the nature of delusion internally to me��.

�Abhikkanta.m, bhante, abhikkanta.m, bhante � pe �
upaasaka.m ma.m, bhante, bhagavaa dhaaretu ajjatagge
paa.nupeta.m gata.m�ti.
�Excellent, venerable sir, excellent, sir �etc. �
venerable sir, may the blessed one accept me as a lay
devotee, gone to refuge from today on for life�.
(A.N. 6.5.5. Pa.thamasandi.t.thikasutta.m)


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