From: nina van gorkom Message: 3645 Date: 2003-10-21
Co. Mahaaraahulovaadasutta, 19 B
Cross reference to the ³Discourse on the great Elephant¹s Footprint², Part
As is explained in the "Greater Discourse on the Elephant's Footprint" (M
< Ta~n-ce aavuso bhikku.m, pare akkosanti paribhaasanti rosenti vihesenti,
so eva.m pajaanaati:
So then if others abuse and scold and curse and threaten a bhikkhu, he
understands thus,
Upannaa kho me aya.m sotasamphassajaa dukkhaa vedanaa,
"This painful feeling born of ear-contact has arisen in me.
saa ca kho pa.ticca no appa.ticca, ki.m pa.ticca: phassa.m pa.ticca.
That is dependent, not independent. Dependent on what? Dependent on
So: phasso anicco ti passati, vedanaa aniccaa ti passati, sa~n~naa aniccaa
ti passati, sa"nkhaaraa aniccaa ti passati, vi~n~naana.m aniccanti passati.>
Then he sees that contact is impermanent..."
the same for feeling, sa~n~naa, san"khaarakkhandha and
(translation of Wheel 101)
We then read:
< Tassa citta.m pakkhandati pasiidati santi.t.thati
And his mind enters into that very object (taking it just as an impersonal)
element, and acquires confidence, steadiness and decision (herein). >
Knowing that what we see or hear are just conditioned elements reminds us of
the true Dhamma.
If equanimity does not persist in the bhikkhu, he should arouse a sense of
urgency (sa.mvega.m aapajjati) as is stated in the sutta. A sense of urgency
to develop right understanding at this very moment.
We are bound to be distressed about an unpleasant experience or a loss, but
when we begin to develop pa~n~naa we can gradually learn from such an
experience. Sometimes, when there are conditions, we may even be glad and
full of confidence in the Triple Gem, as we also read in this sutta:
< Tassa ce aavuso bhikkhuno eva.m Buddha.m anussarato eva.m Dhamma.m
anussarato eva.m Sa"nga.m anussarato
But if, when a bhikkhu recollects the enlightened One, the Teaching and the
upekhaa kusalanissitaa sa.n.thaati, so tena attamano hoti...
equanimity with the beneficial (kusala dhamma) as its support, becomes
established in him, then he is satisfied.>
Sariputta also spoke here about the Buddha's Discourse on the "Parable of
the Saw": "Even if bandits brutally severed limb from limb with a
two-handled saw, he who entertained hate in his heart on that account would
not be one who carried out my teaching."
Sariputta explained the conditions for seeing, for the other
sense-cognitions and for the experiences through the mind-door, and he
explained that the five khandhas have arisen because of conditions. He
referred to the Dependent Origination, and he explained that clinging to the
five khandhas is the cause of dukkha, whereas the eradication of clinging is
the cessation of dukkha.
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