Pali - Every few days - [B088]

From: John Kelly
Message: 3629
Date: 2003-10-17

Pali - Every few days - [B088]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 5 � Further Readings
Ex. 1. (Part 3 of 4)

Jivhaaya rasa.m saayitvaa n�eva sumano hoti na
dummano, upekkhako viharati sato sampajaano.
Having savored a taste with his tongue, he is not thus
of a happy mind, nor an unhappy mind, but abides
equanimous, mindful, and fully aware.

Kaayena pho.t.thabba.m phusitvaa neva sumano hoti na
dummano, upekkhako viharati sato sampajaano.
Having felt a touch with his body, he is not thus of a
happy mind, nor an unhappy mind, but abides
equanimous, mindful, and fully aware.


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