More Pali - Every few days - [C057]

From: John Kelly
Message: 3622
Date: 2003-10-16

More Pali - Every few days - [C057]
Warder - Exercise 9 (page 53)
Pali into English (Part 4 of 4)

Sujaataa naama bhante upaasikaa kaalakataa
Sujata / named / Venerable sir / lay devotee (female)
/ died
Venerable sir, the lay devotee Sujata has died
[D.II.92 (not II.93 as per book) � xvi.2.6]

eva.m pi kho Sunakkhatto mayaa vuccamaano apakkami
thus / and / indeed / Sunakkhatta / by me / being said
/ withdrew
And so Sunakkhatta, at my words, withdrew [D.III.6 �
xxiv.1.6] Gotamo ima.m parisa.m aagacchati
wanderer / Gotama / (to) this / assembly / comes
The wanderer Gotama comes to this assembly [cf.
D.I.179 � ix.4, and D.III.38 � xxv.5]


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