Dear friends:

'Invitation Day': The Buddhist Paravana Ceremony

This recently passed fullmoon Poya day (9-1 oct) marked the end
of the rains retreat & is called the 'Invitation Day' = Paravana.
There each Bhikkhu after seniority on his knees invites his brothers
in the Noble Sangha to mention any seen, heard or suspected errors
he may unaware have made during the 3 months rains retreat.
He humbly repeats that invitation thrice!
That is selfsaid to mutual advantage in any community as all
hidden misconduct, then may be thoroughly cleared.
Imagine if this sublime habbit spread to other workplaces & even Egroups:
To Work focused & composed in silence for 3 months each autum & then ask
your colleaques humbly with the forehead touching the floor if you
have made any errors, they may have seen, heard or suspected ...
Starting with the most senior leader down to the youngest assistant.
It would rapidly optimize any organization & stabilize any society.

Good is this Noble life: This morning we monks, young as old, helped
each other cleaning up after breakfast without a single word.

Such a group in smooth & even Harmony lives in sweet Comfort ...
Almost organic, open & joyous is being in such ensemble ...

Friendship is truly GREATEST
The entire Motivation behind
all of the Noble Life. Yeah!

Bhikkhu Samahita
Cypress Hut, Gangamulla
Bambarella, Tawalantenna 20838.
Central Province. SRI LANKA.
Email: monomuni@...

: - ]

A saying of the Buddha from
Ah, happily do we live without hate amongst the hateful; amidst hateful men
we dwell unhating.
Random Dhammapada Verse 197