Re: four reflections ...

From: Michael Beisert
Message: 3513
Date: 2003-09-25


I am far from being an expert in the Pali Canon but consider that I have
read a lot. With this in mind I will give you my views on your question.

The �precious human birth� is described in the Chiggala Sutta (SN LVI.48)
which contains the well known simile of the blind turtle.

�Impermanence� - appears in countless suttas as one of the three marks of

�Defects of samsara� � The ones that come to mind immediately are the
continuous round of birth and death, and the dangers inherent in sensual
pleasures. But I don�t recall a sutta where the Buddha talks about defects
of samsara and provides a comprehensive list.

�Law of Karma� � again appears in countless suttas as one of the 3 true

I have never seen any sutta which contains those 4 elements combined.


>From: John Kelly <palistudent@...>
>To: Pali <>
>Subject: [Pali] four reflections ...
>Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 13:58:26 -0700 (PDT)
>Dear friends,
>Quoted below is a question that just came to me from a
>friend. I don't know the answer, but I would like to
>help her and I know that this group is a wonderful
>resource. Does any one know?
>"At the top of p. 28 of Joseph�s book, �One Dharma,�
>talks about �the four
>mind changing reflections that turn the mind toward
>dharma.� He says on the
>previous page that these are most systematically
>articulated by the Tibetans but
>that they are in all traditions. Of course all of
>are covered in the Pali
>Cannon in one place or another but I�m wondering if
>�four reflections that
>turn our mind toward the dharma� (Precious Human
>Impermanence; The Law of
>Karma; the Defects of Samsara) are lumped together
>anywhere in the Pali Cannon?
>Or is this something the Tibetans linked together?"
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