Co. Mahaaraahulovaadasutta, 6 B

From: nina van gorkom
Message: 3208
Date: 2003-08-07

Co. Mahaaraahulovaadasutta, 6 B

oloketi: to look at
sobhati: to be beautiful
akarissaa: conditional tense, if he would do (Warder Ch 29) future stem with
prefix <a>
cakkavattii (m): universal monarch
rajja (n): reign
mahaadiipa (m): continent
jambudiipa: rose apple land, India.
parinaayaka (m): leader, advisor
.t.thaana (n): place, condition.
anantara: immediately following
ativiya: very
tala (n) flat surface, land.
gehassita based on the household life, on worldly life
uppaadeti: to make arise, produce
uppaada: arising
chavi (f): skin
ma.msa (n): flesh
lohita(n): blood
paripunna: complete, perfect
rajaniiya: enticing, exciting
pakkhandati: to spring, find pleasure in
lata (f): creeper, greed
viitinaameti: spend time
atha: then, and also
aavajjana (n): attention, adverting, consideration
pasanna: clear, bright
maccha (n): fish
aadaasa (m): mirror
mukha (n): mouth, face
nimitta (n): sign, image


tato attaanampi oloketvaa -- ``ahampi sobhaami.
Then Rahula looked at himself and thought: ³I am also beautiful.

sace bhagavaa catuusumahaadiipesu cakkavattirajja.m akarissaa,

If the Blessed One would reign as a Universal monarch over the four

mayha.m pari.naayaka.t.thaanantara.m adassaa.

he would give me the position of advisor.

eva.m sante ativiya jambudiipatala.m asobhissaa''ti
If that would happen, Rose Apple Land would be glorious.²

attabhaava.m nissaaya gehassita.m chandaraaga.m uppaadesi.
He indulged in attachment connected with worldly life, because of his bodily

bhagavaapi purato gacchantova cintesi --
The Blessed One who walked in front, thought,

``paripu.n.nacchavima.msalohito daani raahulassa attabhaavo.
³Now Rahula¹s outward appearance and complexion (skin, flesh and blood) have
reached perfection;

rajaniiyesu ruupaaramma.naadiisu hi cittassa pakkhandanakaalo jaato,
now the time has come for his mind to rejoice in enticing objects of sight
and so on;

ki.m bahulataaya nu kho raahulo viitinaametii''ti.
why is Rahula wasting his time with so much desire!²

atha sahaavajjaneneva pasannaudake maccha.m viya, parisuddhe
aadaasama.n.dale mukhanimitta.m viya ca tassa ta.m cittuppaada.m addasa.

Then, by thus adverting his attention to it, he saw the arising of that
consciousness of Rahula, as clearly as if he saw a fish in clear water,
and as if he saw in a clean mirror the reflection of a face.


Then Rahula looked at himself and thought: ³I am also beautiful.
If the Blessed One would reign as a Universal monarch over the four
continents, he would give me the position of advisor.
If that would happen, Rose Apple Land would be glorious.²
He indulged in attachment connected with worldly life, because of his bodily
The Blessed One who walked in front, thought,
³Now Rahula¹s outward appearance and complexion have reached perfection;
now the time has come for his mind to rejoice in enticing objects of sight
and so on;
why is Rahula wasting his time with so much desire!²
Then, by thus adverting his attention to it, he saw the arising of that
consciousness of Rahula, as clearly as if he saw a fish in clear water,
and as if he saw in a clean mirror the reflection of a face.


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