From: paulocuana
Message: 3125
Date: 2003-07-31
--- In, "Ong Yong Peng" <ypong001@...> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I hope I do not sound inappropriate, but I sincerely ask for your
> opinions on the Tipitaka's viewpoint on homosexuality. I recalled
> Dalai Lama saying that the Buddha did not mention homosexuality. I
> think that is not a good answer. Because homosexuality is a word
> coined in Germany fairly recently, so obviously it is not in the
> Tipitaka. Furthermore, homosexuality is not sexual perversion as
> certain Christian groups claim. Scientifically, it is a different
> sexual orientation.
> Many members here are experienced meditators and learned of the
> Tipitaka, I would gladly like to hear your views on what the Buddha
> said or would say to a gay person. I understand that most Buddhists
> are tolerant and open-minded enough to accept gays, but please tell
> me your views on a logical basis in the context of Buddhism. We
> that everyone has sexual needs, and we can't ask all gays to be
> (that would certainly cause problems as we see in the Catholic
> church). So, how should a gay person live his life, whether he is
> Buddhist or not?
> Thank you.
> metta,
> Yong Peng