Dear Paul, Dimitry and friends,
I do not have any references to provide, but in the preface to his
book, Daw Mya Tin attributes the commentary to Buddhaghosa.
You are referring to Hinüber's which is later (I believe) than
Geiger's. Both may have their arguments based on the studies and
research they conducted. Whoever the commentator is, I am sure we are
referring to the same Dhammapada Commentary.
Yong Peng
--- In, paulocuana wrote:
> Dear Dimitry,
> Thank you. I don't wish to argue. Just to be sure what
> Pali work you and Yong Peng are recommending is enough.
> Peace,
> Paul O Cuana
> --- In, "Dimitry A. Ivakhnenko (Äìèòðèé
> Àëåêñååâè÷ Èâàõíåíêî)" <koleso@...> wrote:
> > Dear Paul,
> >
> > p> What is the the Pali name of the book that contains the
> > p> Dhammapada stories?
> >
> > Dhammapada.t.thakathaa .
> >
> > p> In A Handbook of Paali Literature, Oskar Von Hinüber refers
> > p> to the Dhammapada.t.thakathaa and attributes it to Thera
> > p> Kumaarakassapa, an otherwise unknown person who translated
> > p> the work into Pali from the Sinhalese.
> >
> > What are his arguments?
> >
> > Wilhelm Geiger atributes this commentary to Buddhaghosa.
> > Moreover, in the end of the text there is his name.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Dimitry