Dear Dimitri,
op 26-07-2003 10:48 schreef Dimitry A. Ivakhnenko (äÍÉÔÒÉÊ áÌÅËÓÅÅ×ÉÞ
é×ÁÈÎÅÎËÏ) op koleso@...:

> Dhammaati cattaaro
> dhammaa naama. Tesu-
> "Na hi dhammo adhammo ca, ubho samavipaakino;
N: This is very interesting, very beautiful, I just read the first part. I
like the stress on nissatta, soulless, and nijjiiva, lifeless for these
dhammas. at first I thought of quality, then I found: constituent
part, it is fourfold.
I had to watch out: samavipaakino: they bring results. (on -i, possessor).
Very good texts inserted. I only read until siilakkhandhavagga.
When I have trouble I shall come back to you, if I may.
With appreciation,