Pali - Every few days - [B058]
Gair/Karunatillake - Chapter 4 � Further Readings
Ex. 1. (Part 2 of 6)

Katamaa ca, bhikkhave, gambhiiraa parisaa?
And what, monks, is a deep assembly?

Idha, bhikkhave, yassa.m parisaaya.m bhikkhuu
anuddhataa honti anunna.laa acapalaa amukharaa
aviki.n.navaacaa � sampajaanaa samaahitaa ekaggacittaa
Here, monks, in this type of assembly monks are
balanced, humble, steadfast, quiet, not loose-talking
� mindful, collected, with one-pointed minds, and
restrained faculties.

Aya.m vuccati, bhikkhave, gambhiiraa parisaa.
This, monks, is called a deep assembly.

Imaa kho, bhikkhave, dve parisaa.
Indeed, monks, these are two types of assemblies.
(A.N.2.5.1. [2.43] Parisavaggo)


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