Dear Yong Peng,
op 20-07-2003 16:38 schreef Ong Yong Peng op ypong001@...:

tappaccayaa=tad+paccayaa [see Duroiselle Ch.3/ยง65]
> 1. What does tad mean?
N: demonstrative neutre , meaning <that>, can be nom. or accusative.
Y: 2. Can we take paccayaa instead of paccaya to be part of the original
> sandhi? paccayaa (abl.) caused by, by reason of, by means of [see PED
> paccaya]
N: Yes, I think so. They are together as one word and the second one takes
the abl ending.
I agree that it is still not clear why there is the neutre tad here.