I was browsing through the 250 names of influential
people, when I came across this entry:

Augustine (also called Saint Augustine ... and perhaps
the most significant Christian thinker after St. Paul;

This gave me one of those moments where I suddenly
doubted my memory and seriously questioned whether I
really understood the definition of "thinker" (kind of
like how inertia and inert don't exactly match, and
maybe thinker and think was more unrelated than I
realized), so I checked dictionary.com:

4 definitions:
One who devotes much time to thought or meditation.
One who thinks or reasons in a certain way: a careful

\Think"er\, n. One who thinks; especially and chiefly,
one who thinks in a particular manner; as, a close
thinker; a deep thinker; a coherent thinker.

n : an intellectual being; "the great minds of the
17th century" [syn: mind]

Perhaps I need to follow up and check the definitions
of "coherent", "intellectual", "great", "deep", and

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