Dear all,
This below announcement has is cut from a forwarded message that I
received today. I have sent it to the list because I am unaware of
any other regular Pali language classes in Sydney.


Dear All,

Our regular Sunday Dhamma classes have been suspended for the time being
while Giles Barton is participating in the Rains Retreat. His classes
will recommence early in 2004.

While Giles is away Bodhikusuma is offering weekly Pali language classes
from 2pm to 3.30pm on Sundays, commencing on 3 August 2003. There will
be a small charge of $10 per class to cover administration costs.

Pali is the language of the Theravada canonical texts (Tipitaka) and the
commentaries were recorded when they were committee to writing in about
100BCE. The tutor is Dr Peter Masefield, who is currently lecturing at
Sydney University. He is also a Pali lecturer at Mahachulalongkorn
Buddhist University, Thailand.
If you are interested and want to enroll in this interesting class
please contact Maree Williams on 9518 7864.
Don't miss the opportunities to listen to Ven Bhante Mahinda and Ven
Ajahn Sujato in August.
Our Meditation Class is on every Wednesday 7 - 9pm with Mr Jim Teoh.

Bodhikusuma Buddhist Centre


Buddhist and Meditation Centre

(t) +61 2 93101103 (f) +61 2 93102269 (e) bmcentre@...

133 Regent Street, Chippendale, NSW 2008 Australia (Entrance from
Chippen Lane)

P.O.Box 258, Strawberry Hills, NSW 2012 Australia (Postal Address)