Pali Primer Exercise 8

Translate into English

16. Siiho vanasmi.m rukkhamuule (at the foot of a tree) nisiidati.
lion / in forest / at foot of a tree / sits
The lion sits at the foot of a tree in the forest.

17. Rajakaa udakena aasanaani dhovanti.
washermen / with water / seats / wash
Washermen wash the seats with water.

18. Amacco duutena saddhi.m rathena arañña.m pavisati.
minister / with messenger / in chariot / forest / enters
The minister enters the forest in a chariot with (his) messenger.

19. Yaacakassa putto udakena pa.n.naani dhovati.
beggar's / son / with water / leaves / washes
The beggar's son washes leaves using water.