Hey fk

You wisely yet sardonicly turned attention
the right direction and quite honestly noted:

> Unfortunately I'm not one of the polite or
> patient listmembers gifted with gentle speech. I made
> one effort to be semi gentle and polite, when that
> elicited no response, I switched to the direct and
> brutally Frank mode. Sorry, I gotta be me, despite
> anatta.

All forgiven as that is progress when a man see his
own mistake and make amends to repair it.

Keep on the right track.
Keep cool.
Let it pass.
It is not 'yours' anyway.
It is a minor thing really
unless you blow it up ....
You are just annoying yourself ao.
There is no vulcano here unless you
make one. Friendliness is also good.

Where is 'the Voluminousity' really ?
Externally in the posted world ? or
Internally in the mental reactions ?

Thanks for the irony!
A great tool.
Turn the beam though. ;-)

What about ?
I am not there!
You are not there!
Mutually ignoring.
Then no problem!
Thats anatta in action ...

Sorry for the non-responsiveness
at times. Am mostly retreating in
the far away mountain forest.

Sorry2 for the strict non-pali
relatedness of this mail.

Seems inevitable though. ;-)

Only dust is whirled up!

May all be calm & free :-)

Bhikkhu Samahita ; - ]