
The Vassa which is the 3 months retreat of the rains
start next full moon on July 13.
Here The Buddha spoke the first cardinal discourse;
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth

Therefore friends;

Intensify your training!
Deepen your study!
Arouse enthusiam!
Stir up energy!
Exert effort!

for the understanding of the yet not undertstood,
for the realization of the yet unrealized states,
for the attaining of the yet unattained stages,
for the reaching of the yet unreached levels,

Do not let Mara the Evil One find you sleeping,
since then this end-maker will sweep you away!

: - ]

A saying of the Buddha from
Any loose act, any corrupt practice, a life of dubious holiness - none of
these is of much fruit.
Random Dhammapada Verse 312