
To be or not to be
is not the question
but the answer!

We have found the enemy!
It is Us!

We have found the Hidden Variables!
(In Quantum Theory)
They are Us!

Fred A Wolf!

Hehehe :-)
Modern Physics is not without humor!

Remarkable is the quite close similarity
of the Quantum Mechanical Theory of Planck,
Bohr, Heisenberg, Schroedinger & Bell ao.
and the Abhidhamma of the Buddha:
Like the two sides of the same coin!

The world is 'chosen' or 'created' from a
infinite multitude of possibilities =
(non-local collapsing wave-functions),
right at the moment someone observes it!
Paradoxical, counter-intuitive & even Magical!
Mind creates or chooses Matter! Plop!
Matter is a series of discrete & discontinous
appearances in sequetial location!
Mind is a series of discrete & discontinous
conscious moments in sequential time!
In an endless flux without beginning.
One cannot come any closer than that.
Both realities whether material or mental
blinks as a updated computer screen or neon,
yet mind blinks 17 times faster than matter
Mind is fast, matter is slow.
Mind over matter after all.
Hehehe ;-)

Recommended easy reading for the interested:
'Taking the Quantum Leap' Fred A Wolf. 1981
Harper & Row. San Francisco. ISBN 0062509802

Hold On! If you become dizzy considering this,
you are going in the right direction. Keep On!

: - ]

Friendship is the Greatest !
The entire Motivation behind
all of the Noble Life. Yeah!

Samanera Samahita
Email: monomuni@...

A saying of the Buddha from
Should one find a good companion to walk with and who is steadfast and
upright, one should walk with him with joy so as to overcome all dangers.
Random Dhammapada Verse 328