
Who created this reality ?
Who created this world ?

You did !!!

By consciously choosing
to experience it!

Who is the Creator ?

Ignorance & Craving for
conscious experiences!

Consciousness is the choice
to notice or to ignore...
Exactly here do 2 entirely
different 'experiences' or
'worlds' appear from a set
of unevenly distributed
probabilities, which are
predetermined by past actions,
choices & conscious experiences.

The freedom to choose future
(free will) is thereby limited
by prior action = kamma, which
determines the limited set of
possibilities to choose from!

Consciousness is thereby the
process wherein a:

Potential Reality becomes
an Actual Reality ... !!!

by making the wave-function of
quantum mechanical diversity
collapse and condense into a
single event of occurrence. So do
the modern physicists really say.
An so have they said for 50 years!

This event was before the active
choice of consciousness one out
of many different possibilities,
of many different realities,
of many different worlds!

The probability has become an
actuality! A reality is born -

The link between mind & matter
is thereby established.

The funny part is that you also
chooses the 'others' reality &
they chooses yours!!!

This endless momentary show of
choices stops when we stop to
choose between any possibilities
which thereby remain an open,
unchosen, uncreated, unconstructed,
unborn & unconditioned state called
Nibbana ...

Friendship is the Greatest !
The entire Motivation behind
all of the Noble Life. Yeah!

Samanera Samahita
Email: monomuni@...

: - ]

A saying of the Buddha from
Though little he recites the Sacred Texts, but acts in accordance with the
teaching, forsaking lust, hatred and ignorance, truly knowing, with mind
well freed, clinging to naught here and hereafter, he shares the fruits of
the Holy life.
Random Dhammapada Verse 20