Pali Primer Exercise 7

Translate into English

28. Sappuriso naavikena saha samuddamhaa uttarati.
virtuous man / sailor / with / from sea / comes out
The virtuous man comes out from the sea with the sailor.

29. Kuddaalo luddakassa hatthamhaa aavaa.tasmi.m patati.
hoe / hunter's / hand / into pit / falls
The hoe falls from the hunter's hand into the pit.

30. Suriyassa aalokena cando bhaasati (shines).
sun's / by light / moon / shines
The moon shines by the light of the sun.

Translate into Pali

1. The lion stands on the rock in the mountain.
siiho / ti.t.thati / paasaa.namhi / pabbatasmi.m
Siiho pabbatasmi.m paasaa.namhi ti.t.thati.