

Determination is the Decision.
Determination is the Resolve.
Determination is the Choice.
Determination is the Willpower.
Determination is the Motivation.
Determination is the Seriousness.
Determination is the Sincerity.
Determination is the fixed firmness
Determination is the locking on target.
Determination is the start of the end.


The four determinations:
One should not be negligent of understanding,
should guard the truth,
be devoted to withdrawal,
and train only for tranquility.

Majjhima Nikaya 140


And what is right Motivation?
Being motivated by withdrawal,
Being motivated by good-will,
Being motivated by harmlessness:
This is called right Motivation.

Samyutta Nikaya XLV 8


And how is right view the forerunner of right Motivation?
One understands wrong motivation as wrong motivation,
and understands right motivation as right motivation.
And what is wrong motivation?
Being motivated by sensuality, by ill will, by harmfulness.
This is wrong motivation...
One tries to leave wrong motivation & to enter into right
motivation: This is right effort.
One is mindful to leave wrong motivation & to enter & remain
in right motivation: This is one's right mindfulness.
Thus these three qualities --
right view, right effort, & right mindfulness --
run & circle around right motivation.

Majjhima Nikaya 117


My mind is firm like a rock,
unattached to sensual things,
no shaking in the midst
of a world where all is shaking.
My mind has thus been well developed,
so how can suffering come to me?

Theragatha 194


Whose mind is like a rock, unwavering, immovable,
without a trace of lust, of urging towards the attractions,
without a trace of aversion, of pushing away the repulsive,
from what can such a refined mind ever suffer ?!

Udana IV - 4


Then the Future Buddha turned his back to the trunk of the Bodhi tree
faced East & Right there he then made this mighty decision:

"Let blood & flesh of this body dry up & let skin & sinews fall from
the bones. I will not leave this seat before having attained the
absolute supreme Wisdom!"

So determined did he seat himself in this unconquerable seat,
which not even a 100 strikes of lightning could make him waver from.

Jataka Nidana


Using the tools of Faith, moral, effort, determination,
meditation and true understanding of this Dhamma,
one gradually perfect first knowledge then behavior.
So equipped & aware one may eliminate all of this great
suffering once and for all ...

Dhammapada 144


A female lay follower (Upasika) at the time of the Buddha kept the
precepts, comprehended the nature of impermanence, the consequent
fragility of the body and won thereby stream-entry (Sotapanna).
After passing away she re-arised as the favorite attendant of Sakka,
the king of Gods. Reviewing her own merit she remembered her prior
admonition to herself:

‘Let this body break up as it may,
herein will not be any excuse or
relaxation of the effort … ’


Determination (Adhitthana) is the eighth perfection (parami)
Come On Now ! This One is the eighth one to adopt,
practice, develop, refine, & perfect resolutely:
Be determined as the mountain, which never can be moved
by neither storm nor rain, then a Buddha's wisdom shall be yours!

Jataka Nidana (introduction)


Thank you too,

for free forward : - ]

A saying of the Buddha from
The man of little learning grows old like the ox. His muscles grow; his
wisdom grows not.
Random Dhammapada Verse 152