

Avoiding all Harm;
Doing only Good;
Refining pure the Mind;
That is the Buddha-Dhamma !

Dhammapada 183


Morality is the foundation,
the initiator & origin of all
that is good & beautiful.
One Must therefore purify morality.

Theragatha 612


Clean cultivated morality brings all success!

Theragatha 608


Morality is a mighty Power
Morality is a forceful Weapon
Morality is a supreme Jewel
Morality is a marvelous Protection

Theragatha 614


Harmless towards all living beings,
Speaking only kind & wise truths,
Taking nothing not given,
Enjoying only one's own partner,
Never abusing drinks or drugs.
Having given up & left all behind
these five harmful acts such
One truly possess right moral.

AN III 205-6


What, Venerable Sir, is the rewarding advantage of morality?"
Freedom from regret, Ananda.
And what is the advantage of freedom from regret?
Joy, Ananda.
And what is the benefit of joy?
Rapture, Ananda.
And what is the gain of rapture?
Tranquility, Ananda.
And what is the effect of tranquility?
Happiness, Ananda.
And what is the result of happiness?
Concentration, Ananda.
And what is the advance of concentration?
Vision and knowledge of how things develop.
What is improving when seeing & knowing how things develop?
Disgust and detachment, Ananda.
And what is the advantage of disgust and detachment?
Direct knowledge of Certain & Complete Release, Ananda…

AN X.1


Silam sila viya:
Virtue is like Rock.
A Solid foundation!


Intention always comes first
Intention is of all states the primer
By intention are all things initiated
By construction of mind are all phenomena formed
So - if with good intention one thinks, speak or act
Joy surely follows one like the never-leaving shadow
However !!!
- if with evil intention one thinks, speak or act:
Pain certainly follows one like the wheel follows the car.

Dhammapada 1+2


Both the moral & immoral doings;
Both the good & the Bad actions;
That human beings do here;
That is truly their own possession.
That they take along with them when they go,
That is what follows them like a shadow,
that never leaves.
So do only what is admirable & advantageous,
as an accumulating investment in the future life.
Good prior doings are the only support for beings
when they rearise in another world…



Here and now the good-doer rejoices... Even so
after passing away and re-emerging, the doer of
good reaps only joy and satisfaction ...
So both here and there the wise with merit well
done & stored enjoys the purity of prior actions.

Dhammapada 15


Here and now the bad-doer suffers... Even so
after passing away and re-emerging, the doer of
wrong reaps only pain and regret ...
So both here and there the fool with wrong view
& evil behavior suffers the grief from the inevitable
agony resulting from bad prior actions.

Dhammapada 16


As a yak-ox watch her tail even onto death,
without breaking through when caught in thorns,
guard your doings as dear as your life by avoiding
overstepping the fine line limiting right from wrong.

The Basket of Conduct, Cariyapitaka


The Bodhisatta once as the Naga serpent King Sankhapala
guarded his precepts of moral habit even when tortured:
Though pierced with sharp bamboo stakes and hacked with
hunting knives I raged no anger against these hunters as this
was my perfection of Morality.

Sankhapala Jataka no. 524


Morality is the second perfection (parami)
Come On Now !
This One is the second one to adopt, practice,
develop, refine, & perfect resolutely:
The Moral Precepts to perfection keep then
you can attain to the absolute of Wisdom.

These timeless laws of only Good
which all the mighty Seers of the past
have fully followed & made their Way:

Jataka Nidana (introduction)


The 5 precious precepts:

1. Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
I accept the training rule to avoid killing breathing beings.
2. Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
I accept the training rule to avoid taking any that is not given.
3. Kamesu micchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
I accept the training rule to abstain from sexual misconduct.
4. Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
I accept the training rule to desist from incorrect speech.
5. Suramerayamajja pamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami
I accept the training rule to avoid drinks & drugs
causing carelessness.


Sincerely yours,

for free forward : - ]

A saying of the Buddha from
Cut off the five fetters and pertaining to this shore (self-illusion, doubt,
indulgence in wrongful rites and ceremonies, sense-desires and hatred),
throw off the five fetters that pertain to the Further Shore (attachment to
the realm of form, attachment to formless realms, conceit, restlessness and
ignorance), cultivate further five faculties (confidence, energy,
mindfulness, concentration and wisdom). He who has destroyed the five
fetters (lust, hatred, delusion, pride and false views) is called a "Flood
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