Venerable Samanera,
I have the P.T.S. edition. It is helpful to study it together with its
commentary the Expositor, the Atthasalini. Without the Commentary it is hard
to study. In the footnotes in the PTS edition, there is all the time
reference to the Atthasalini.
I understand that at first people may not take so much to lists of
classifications, but later on they may appreciate the precision of the
Abhidhamma and see that it is relevant to daily life.
Thank you for drawing our attention to this translation.

op 28-05-2003 05:53 schreef monomuni op monomuni@...:

> Friends:
> A relevant fresh translation of 1st Abhidhamma book:
> The Dhammasangani - Enumeration of the Ultimate Realities.
> (2 Vols. ) U. Kyaw Khine. Published: 1999 Complete Set.