From: Piya Tan
Message: 2649
Date: 2003-05-23
----- Original Message -----
From: "nina van gorkom" <nilo@...>
To: "Pali yahoo" <>
Sent: Friday, 23 May, 2003 1:02 AM
Subject: [Pali] Mahaaraahulovaadasutta, to Piya
Dear Piya,
Thank you for your kindness sending me an attachment with translation. I had
just been thinking of you, missing you for quite a time. But I thought that
you were busy with translations. Alas, my computer cannot open it. Also, it
happens that my mail gets clogged up because of attachments, and thus I
would rather not have them.
Maybe we can find another way of communicating, by Email, I find it very
important to coordinate the translation with you and I am very interested.
Also the Web will not help me, I have limited access and that with
Another suggestion: when we are involved with part of the sutta, could you,
time permitting, come in with your suggested translation? It would be a
great help.
Lately we had a difficult passage: <agreeable and disagreeable impressions
that have arisen, impinging on
the mind will not persist.²>
uppannaa manaapaamanaapaa phassaa citta.m na pariyaadaaya .thassanti. >
Jim found the placing of the na before pariyaadaaya worth considering and he
suggested to me that I do research on the passage. He provided me with more
than hundred text references of a passage similar to this. He could do this
with a CDRom, I believe. I do some almost daily and it is fascinating to go
across the whole Sutta Pitaka. My conclusion will follow after June 25 (Yong
Peng's examination) but meanwhile I shall keep the list informed of my
findings. Interesting how different people (of PTS) translate it and have
remarks about others' transl. in footnotes.
As you see from my Vesak discussion, the sutta does not go out of my mind.
Meanwhile I also try to finish my Commentary transl and then I shall go back
to the beginning doing a line by line transl. which Yong Peng suggested. I
did not translate all in the beginning, I only had the Thai, and later on
acquired the Pali text. I did not know I would get so involved with these
Thank you again,
Nina. - a community for Pali students
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